Annual Plastic Plant Pot Exchange
Have plastic plant pots to share? Need plastic plant pots to start next spring’s seedlings? The WSU Extension Island County Waste Wise Annual Plastic Plant Pot Exchange will be held Saturday, September 17th from 10 am to 12 noon on Can Ku Rd, behind CASA and Island Transit on Camano Island. Home gardeners, organizations, and volunteer groups are encouraged to come gather what they need. If your group is having a plant sale next spring, this is a great time to stock up on your free pots. If you are bringing pots to share, they should be 4” or larger, without any dirt, tags, or wire. No “pony packs” or flimsy starter pots or trays, please. WSU Extension Island County Waste Wise volunteers will be on hand to assist you. Contact Kristine Vannoy at [email protected] for more info.
North Can Ku Road, Camano Island, WA Behind CASA and Island Transit